The Abdelkader Education Project advocates for cultural understanding, educates future leaders, and promotes the Emir as a model humanitarian. To learn more about our accomplishments and our plans, please visit our website.

Iowa City school board takes historic vote, adds days off for Eid al-Fitr, Yom Kippur
Read about a 2021 Abdelkader Student Prize winner, Reem Kirja, and her efforts for her school district to recognize the Muslim holiday, Eid al-Fitr, and the Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur.

In the News

Increasing culural awareness in North Dakota classrooms
“They became more attentive in the classroom, scored better on tests and finished their homework more often.”

Upcoming Events
Keep an eye out on social media and our website for more information on the following events:
- ICSS Conference: AEP’s Education Coordinator, Sue Protheroe, will be presenting the AEP curriculum From Jerusalem to Elkader and When did Abd el-Kader die? at the Iowa Council for the Social Studies annual conference on October 4, 2021.
- 2021 Better Understanding for a Better World – Iowa Outreach Program: Join Imam Mohamad Bashar Arafat and AEP for a Drake University Lecture: “Religious Diplomacy in a Time of Division & Polarization” on September 30 and Lunch & Learn with Imam Bashar on October 1.
- Better Understanding for a Better World 2021 Virtual Conference: AEP is partnering with Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation for the high school 2021 Better Understanding for a Better World (BUBW-USA) Iowa Conference on October 21-23, 2021. This year’s theme is Societal Challenges, Leadership, Development, Intercultural & Interfaith Program – “Explore Emir Abdelkader’s Example as a Unifier”.
As ignorance of other cultures continues to divide our world, its is more important than ever for voices of reason to be heard. Your contribution will help AEP reach international audiences of non-Muslims and Muslims alike as we use education as a tool to break the cycle of violence caused by fear and anger.
ABDELKADER EDUCATION PROJECT (AEP) is a 501c3 non-profit organization that creates resources and opportunities that promote cultural understanding & global citizenship. AEP imagines a world where fears are replaced with empathy, ignorance is replaced with knowlege, and the human community is flourishing. Learn more on our website.
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Abdelkader Education Project
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Elkader, IA 52043
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