The Abdelkader Education Project advocates for cultural understanding, educates future leaders, and promotes the Emir as a model humanitarian. To learn more about our accomplishments and our plans, please visit our website.


Check out our newest curricula, “When did Abd el-Kader die?” for middle school and high school. This is a lesson in which students use a variety of 19th century newspaper articles with conflicting information to explore the quirks and limitations of primary source materials.


In the News


“Masoud’s story stands out at a time when the U.S. military is finalizing a withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the fate of many interpreters remains undecided, or at the very least, in a precarious position.”

Read more by clicking this link.


Teachers Share What They Will–And Won’t– Do Differently Under Critical Race Theory Law

Read more by clicking this link.


It’s easy to be a coward, harder to be courageous, and hardest yet to fight for a cause. The courage to insight change while maintaining civility is not only an example of Emir Abdelkader, but also an example of what AEP does as an organization. It is becoming a global trend to pursue civility as demonstrated by this announcement. We are excited to see how the two recipients choose to be courageous and civil with their awards.

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out on social media and our website for more information on the following events:
  • First Algerian-American meeting with Elkader and the Emir Abdelkader: Kathy Garms and Elkader’s Mayor, Josh Pope, will join Abullah Khalifa and his English class from Mascara, Algeria for a zoom discussion.
  • ICSS Conference: AEP’s Education Coordinator, Sue Protheroe, will be presenting the AEP Curriculum From Jerusalem to Elkader at the Iowa Council for the Social Studies annual conference on October 4, 2021.
  • A Better Understanding for a Better World: AEP is partnering with Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation for the high school 2021 Better Understanding for a Better World (BUBW-USA) Iowa Conference on October 21-23, 2021. This year’s theme is Societal Challenges, Leadership, Development, Intercultural & Interfaith Program – “Explore Emir Abdelkader’s Example as a Unifier”.

Missed These Events?

Don’t worry if you missed any of our previous events! You can click on the link below to view a recording if available, or read an event summary for those that were not recorded.

As ignorance of other cultures continues to divide our world, it is more important than ever for voices of reason to be heard. Your contribution will help AEP reach international audiences of non-Muslims and Muslims alike as we use education as a tool to break the cycle of violence caused by fear and anger.

Donate Now

ABDELKADER EDUCATION PROJECT (AEP) is a 501c3 non-profit organization that creates resources and opportunities that promote cultural understanding & global citizenship. AEP imagines a world where fears are replaced with empathy, ignorance is replaced with knowledge, and the human community is flourishing. Learn more on our website.

Copyright © 2021 Abdelkader Education Project, All rights reserved.

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