The Abdelkader Education Project advocates for cultural understanding, educates future leaders, and promotes the Emir as a model humanitarian. To learn more about our accomplishments and our plans, please visit our website.
2021 was a year of growth for AEP as we expanded our curriculum offerings and looked to increase the number of contests we offer. Thank you for your continued support of the Abdelkader Education Project. Because of your encouragement and generosity, we are able to further our mission of creating resources and opportunities that promote cultural understanding and global citizenship. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store for 2022!

In the News

Favorite Holiday Poster Project Aren’t Inclusive
“For students from non-dominate cultures and religions, a month-long packet filled with references to a holiday they do not celebrate can send the message that they are not included in their classroom.”
Upcoming Events
Keep an eye out on social media and our website for more information on the following events:
- Student Contest Deadline: February 15, 2022
- Educator Contest Deadline: June 1, 2022
- AEP’s Education Coordinator, Sue Protheroe, will be visiting various schools in Iowa during January to talk about the contest and introduce students to Emir Abd el-Kader.
- Keep an eye out for a new contest launching later this month ?
What We’re Reading

I am the Night Sky consists of stories, poems, collages, and even the script–including character designs–(“Kabob Squad Takes Down Propaganda Man”). The selections are varied, artistic, and often subtle. All of the contributors are Muslim, and all of the pieces are about the experience of being young and Muslim in the United States.
As ignorance of other cultures continues to divide our world, its is more important than ever for voices of reason to be heard. Your contribution will help AEP reach international audiences of non-Muslims and Muslims alike as we use education as a tool to break the cycle of violence caused by fear and anger.
ABDELKADER EDUCATION PROJECT (AEP) is a 501c3 non-profit organization that creates resources and opportunities that promote cultural understanding & global citizenship. AEP imagines a world where fears are replaced with empathy, ignorance is replaced with knowlege, and the human community is flourishing. Learn more on our website.
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Abdelkader Education Project
PO Box 242 | 24854 Edgewood Abe
Elkader, IA 52043
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