Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
The Abd el-Kader Education Project 2011 Abd el-Kader Essay Contest Winners…“In Their Own Words” Iowa essay winners speak out about what they learned. Quotes from their essays… 1st Place – Cole Crawford, Dubuque “Though much of the Western world did not respect...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Tools for Teaching about the Middle East and Islam TeachMideast invites you to attend one of our “Tools for Teaching the Middle East and Islam” two-day workshops to introduce K-12 educators to innovative teaching strategies and classroom-ready resources about the...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Abd el-Kader Education Project Forum “Transcending Boundaries…Pursuing Knowledge and Virtue” A celebration to honor an extraordinary world hero and students who have been touched by his life story Saturday ~ May 14, 2011 ~ Elkader, Iowa Elkader Public Library...