Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Abd el-Kader Education Project colleague Barbara Petzen, Teach Mideast Education Director for the Middle East Policy Council in DC, will present free 2-day MEPC teacher workshops in Iowa entitled Understanding the Middle East and Islam: Perspectives, Strategies and...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Humanities Iowa in Iowa City has awarded a $6,500 grant to the Middle East Policy Council, an AEP partner organization, for public talks and teacher workshops titled “Understanding the Middle East and Islam: Perspectives, Strategies and Tools for...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
The Middle East Policy Council Teach Mideast Education Director Barbara Petzen is collaborating with the Abd el-Kader Education Project team and guiding curriculum development for using the Abd el-Kader narrative to align with Iowa and national curriculum standards...