Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Tools for Teaching about the Middle East and Islam TeachMideast invites you to attend one of our “Tools for Teaching the Middle East and Islam” two-day workshops to introduce K-12 educators to innovative teaching strategies and classroom-ready resources about the...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Abd el-Kader Education Project Forum “Transcending Boundaries…Pursuing Knowledge and Virtue” A celebration to honor an extraordinary world hero and students who have been touched by his life story Saturday ~ May 14, 2011 ~ Elkader, Iowa Elkader Public Library...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Abd el-Kader Education Project colleague Barbara Petzen, Teach Mideast Education Director for the Middle East Policy Council in DC, will present free 2-day MEPC teacher workshops in Iowa entitled Understanding the Middle East and Islam: Perspectives, Strategies and...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates
Humanities Iowa in Iowa City has awarded a $6,500 grant to the Middle East Policy Council, an AEP partner organization, for public talks and teacher workshops titled “Understanding the Middle East and Islam: Perspectives, Strategies and Tools for...
Jan 26, 2015 | AEP Updates, Events
On October 12-13, Barbara Petzen, John Kiser and Kathy Garms were welcomed to host a booth and introduce Abd el-Kade to Iowa educators at the Iowa Council for Social Studies Conference in Des Moines, IA. The Abd el-Kader Education Project curriculum entitled...