Elkader’s Namesake Inspires Forum“Emir Abdelkader – A True Muslim Hero:
Connecting Cultures & Countering Extremism”
Why was a town in America’s heartland named after an Arab Muslim freedom fighter? The Elkader (Iowa) story with its connection to Emir Abdelkader has been told in USA Today, the New York Times and across the globe. The Abdelkader Education Project (AEP) is proud to announce its 5th annual AEP Forum to be held at the historic Elkader Opera House on Saturday, May 3, at 2:00 p.m. Details TBA.
The AEP Forum honors the humanitarian spirit of Emir Abdelkader, Elkader’s namesake, and includes networking and discussions. All activities are free and open to the public.
Awards will be presented to winners of the 2013-2014 Abdelkader Global Leadership Prize essay contests. High school and college students from across Iowa and the nation will be recognized. Educators and students will tell about their experiences.
Keynote speaker Daisy Khan is executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement. ASMA is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening an expression of Islam based on cultural and religious harmony and building bridges between Muslims and the general public. She has been hailed as a healer, a link between moderate Islam and the West. Khan regularly lectures around the globe and has participated in panels with Christians, Jews, and Buddhists. She has appeared on CNN, Al Jazeera, BBC, and is a weekly columnist for the Washington Post’s “On Faith.”
The Abdelkader Education Project is a non-profit organization that endeavors to broaden global perspectives by providing opportunities to learn about the Middle East and Islamic culture through the legacy of Emir Abdelkader.
Learn more about Abdelkader Education Project at ” target=”_blank” style=”color: #070300;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;word-wrap: break-word !important;”>www.abdelkaderproject.org.